After office hours, a Physicians To Women doctor is on call for emergencies. If you are experiencing an emergency after 4 PM on a weekday or at any time on a weekend, please call 911 or the paging operator at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital at (540) 981-7000. The operator at the hospital can connect you with the doctor on call.
Routine care questions are encouraged as calls to the office during the regular business day.
Authorization for prescription refills is generally given during regular office hours, 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday to Friday.
Physicians to Women patients are admitted to Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital which takes pride in personalized care. All inpatent care and procedures will occur at this hospital.
Obstetric patients will be cared for in the Birth Center, a unit that offers family-centered care, in the same hospital.
Service charges by Physicians to Women are comparable to fees charged by other OBGYN practices in the area. To decrease billing costs and save added expenses to our patients, we request payment at the time of your office visit. Cash, checks, money orders, VISA, American Express, Discover and MasterCard are all acceptable forms of payment.
Your receipt for your office visit contains all the information your insurance company will need for reimbursement. Should you require inpatient assistance with billing, our insurance managers will assist you in completing claim forms. Insurance that does not fully cover your charges will require billing directly to you through our regular billing system. You can establish a payment plan for this purpose with our office if necessary.
If you ever have questions or concerns about your bills or expenses, we will be happy to discuss them with you.